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Sunday, 5 January 2014

Circle Lens Review: Typon Gray/Grey (Hanabi Grey/Gray) from Beauty Lenses

Once again, the wonderful Beauty Lenses sponsored this amazing review by providing these lenses. I got to pick any lenses from their store and I decided on Glam Eye Typon Gray which I believe it is the same as ifairyvassen Hanabi Gray/Grey.

I needed a pair of grey lenses because my Puffy 3 tone grey is going to expire in a few months.
And I needed a new pair for my Mikasa cosplay. I also reviewed another grey lens, I.Fairy Tofi Grey/Gray.

From the store's website, the lenses should look like:
After you see the photo at the end of the post, you will realize that the site's photos are always very accurate! One more thing that I love about Beauty Lenses.

On the site, it said:
Manufacturer : Glam Eye
Diameter: 14.5mm
Base Curve: 8.6

  • I don't usually have problems with circle lenses and their comfort so I didn't have any problem with these.
  • They are not too thin nor thick.
  • I didn't even feel them in my eyes after I put them on. I wore them for more than 8 hours (don't do that though).
  • I personally thought these lenses weren't going to be this vibrant but when I wore them I was pleasantly surprised. ^___^)v
  • The gray was clearly visible and you don't have to stand super close to realize the change.
  • I think it is great for cosplay especially because they come out well in photography with flash. They aren't too demonic like, yet they are vibrant.

  • The design of the lenses is a swirling typhoon. Sadly the swirling effects couldn't be seen when the lenses are on.
  • They are VERY sweet looking!
  • I believe it looks like a more vibrant version of Sugar Candy Grey. But since I never tried Sugar Candy Grey, I can't confirm that. It is just a hypothesis. :P

  • For a 14.5mm lens, these were very dolly and enlarging! Maybe it is because a lot of your natural colour is shown through in the center or a strong limbus ring, I'm not sure. All I know is that it is super cute!

  • It was shipped on the 9th of December and I got it on the 30th of December.


Now for pictures!

I didn't post too many photos here, please find my Mikasa costest on my facebook page: Adventure with Ashley. Note, the costest was not with these lenses, it was with other reviewed lenses: iFairy Tofi Grey.

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