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Wednesday, 10 April 2013

I hate waiting && an update on what I have been listening to.

Have you ever wanted something so badly but can't get it until a certain wait time is "performed". Yeah I bet you have. Currently two "wait time" are in my life right now. First I CAN'T WAIT FOR SCHOOL TO BE OVER! Second, OMGINEEDMYCIRCLELENSES. I mean I am waiting on more things such as more chapters of Kuroko no Basuke manga, Blue Exorcist manga && etc but that can wait.....I think.....ish?

Wow, you are probably be thinking what the #$@# is Ashley thinking? What a loser! Well yes I am one.

I wonder what are the things normal people like you all wait for? Love? Money? Ummmmm.......

Anyway, let's talk music!!! Soooo few months ago I found a super great singer on YT as I tried to find a piano cover of Senbozakura and she is Rae!!! I have put some of her covers below so enjoy!!!

And this AMV, I know it is a year old so yeah I am not the hipster here but I would like to share it. And I mean it is a KNB AMV!!! Hell yeah!!!

And I got to share my love, Ashe. JUST LOVE THIS COVER!!!

So tell me, what have YOU been listening to?
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